# 在 Ng-alain 中使用代码模板生成
# ng generate 命令的使用
Angular CLI 中有 ng generate 命令可以通过 Schematics 生成代码模板,中文文档中有 Angular 自带生成命令。
除了默认模板,Angular 还支持第三方自定义模板,比如 ng-alain 实现的自定义模板。通过使用命令 ng g ng-alain:xxx 来使用 ng-alain 的模板。
Angular 将通过在 node_modules 中寻找冒号前面的同名库,即 ng-alain 库,查找库中的 schematics 文件夹,然后读取文件夹内的 collection.json 文件,在文件中找到要生成的 xxx 模板,然后执行模板文件夹下的 factory 函数生成代码模板。详细内容可以查阅 schematic 相关文档。
# ng g ng-alain:xxx 命令的使用
ng-alain 框架中命令的使用,文档中比较全面,可以直接查阅文档使用。 https://ng-alain.com/cli/generate/zh ng-alain 的自定义模板,tpl 类型模板的 json 定义:
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema",
"$id": "SchematicsNgAlainTplComponent",
"title": "Ng Alain Tpl Options Schema",
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": true,
"properties": {
"path": {
"type": "string",
"format": "path",
"description": "The path at which to create the component file, relative to the current workspace. Default is a folder with the same name as the component in the project root.",
"visible": false
"project": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the project.",
"$default": {
"$source": "projectName"
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the component.",
"$default": {
"$source": "argv",
"index": 1
"x-prompt": "What name would you like to use for the component?"
"displayBlock": {
"description": "Specifies if the style will contain `:host { display: block; }`.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false,
"alias": "b"
"inlineStyle": {
"description": "Include styles inline in the component.ts file. Only CSS styles can be included inline. By default, an external styles file is created and referenced in the component.ts file.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false,
"alias": "s",
"x-user-analytics": 9
"inlineTemplate": {
"description": "Include template inline in the component.ts file. By default, an external template file is created and referenced in the component.ts file.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false,
"x-user-analytics": 10
"viewEncapsulation": {
"description": "The view encapsulation strategy to use in the new component.",
"enum": ["Emulated", "None", "ShadowDom"],
"type": "string",
"alias": "v",
"x-user-analytics": 11
"changeDetection": {
"description": "The change detection strategy to use in the new component.",
"enum": ["Default", "OnPush"],
"type": "string",
"default": "Default",
"alias": "c"
"prefix": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The prefix to apply to the generated component selector.",
"alias": "p",
"oneOf": [
"maxLength": 0
"minLength": 1,
"format": "html-selector"
"style": {
"description": "The file extension or preprocessor to use for style files, or 'none' to skip generating the style file.",
"type": "string",
"default": "css",
"enum": ["css", "scss", "sass", "less", "none"],
"x-user-analytics": 5
"type": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Adds a developer-defined type to the filename, in the format \"name.type.ts\".",
"default": "Component"
"skipTests": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Do not create \"spec.ts\" test files for the new component.",
"default": false,
"x-user-analytics": 12
"flat": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Create the new files at the top level of the current project.",
"default": false
"skipImport": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Do not import this component into the owning NgModule.",
"default": false,
"x-user-analytics": 18
"selector": {
"type": "string",
"format": "html-selector",
"description": "The HTML selector to use for this component."
"skipSelector": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": false,
"description": "Specifies if the component should have a selector or not."
"export": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": false,
"description": "The declaring NgModule exports this component.",
"x-user-analytics": 19
"withoutPrefix": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "指定选择器名不加前缀 (Without prefix to selectors)",
"default": false
"withoutModulePrefixInComponentName": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "组件名不加模块名前缀 (Without prefix to component name)",
"default": false
"module": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Allows specification of the declaring module.",
"alias": "m",
"x-prompt": "Specify which module name:"
"tplName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "指定模板名称 (Specifies template name)",
"$default": {
"$source": "argv",
"index": 0
"x-prompt": "What template name would you like to use for the component:"
"target": {
"type": "string",
"description": "指定目标路径,支持 `bus/list` 写法 (Specifies relative path, could be set like `bus/list`.)",
"alias": "t"
"modal": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": true,
"description": "指定是否使用模态框 (Specifies using modal mode)",
"x-prompt": "Would you like to modal mode?"
"required": ["tplName", "name", "module", "modal"]
# wayboot 中的自定义模板编写
以该模板为例,需要在_cli-tpl 文件夹中创建模板文件夹,如该模板名为 basic,文件夹中的内容为固定格式,双下划线开头结尾的部分均为占位符。
最里层的各种文件可随意添加,如自行添加的 model.ts.template 文件。
_cli-tpl 中有一个_fix.js 文件,当执行生成命令时,会将参数传至该文件进行处理后再生成,所以这里可以对输入参数做一些处理。
* 自定义模板生成中间处理模块
* 语雀文档:https://www.yuque.com/zhaoyj/cixlru/gz4p5dcg4y734sd6
const path = require("path");
const process = require("child_process");
const CONFIG_DIR_PATH = "../_tpl_config";
const { getStOptionTpl, getSfOptionTpl } = require(path.join(
function fix(options) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// 获取模板参数与组件名参数
const configName = options.extraArgs.config;
const tplName = options.tplName;
if (configName) {
const configPath = path.join(
if (tplName === "basic" || tplName === "basic-tree") {
const { search, st, api, model, layout } = require(configPath);
options.extraArgs = {
dtoName: classify(configName),
Model: modelParse(model),
searchSchema: sfParse(search),
columns: stParse(st, options.name),
api: apiParse(api, model),
(function() {
const cmd = `ng g ng-alain:tpl form form -m=${options.module} --target=${options.name} --modal=true --config=${configName}`;
process.exec(cmd, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (!error) {
} else {
console.log(error, stderr);
// 如果是弹窗生成,处理参数后生成即可
} else if (tplName === "form") {
const { sf, api } = require(configPath);
options.extraArgs.schema = sfParse(sf);
options.extraArgs.api = api;
* sf配置解析,用于解析搜索栏及弹窗用到的sf配置
* @param {*} config 配置参数
* @returns 转换后sf格式参数
function sfParse(config) {
let schema = [];
config.map(item => {
schema.push(getSfOptionTpl(item.type, item));
return schema.join(",\n ");
* st配置解析,用于解析页面上列表的列及操作项
* @param {*} config 配置参数
* @param {*} componentName 命令行组件名(烤串格式)
* @returns 转换后st格式参数
function stParse(config, componentName) {
let columns = [`{ title: '序号', type: 'no' }`];
let buttons = [];
config.columns.map(column => {
let columnStr = `title: "${column.title}",
index: "${column.index}"`;
if (column.type) {
columnStr += `,
type: "${column.type}"`;
config.options.map(option => {
? getStOptionTpl(option.tpl, { componentName: classify(componentName) })
: JSON.stringify(option)
title: '操作',
width: 250,
buttons: [
return columns.join(",\n");
* 类型定义文件解析,用于解析需要定义的类型
* @param {*} config 配置参数
* @returns 转换后model.ts文件内容
function modelParse(config) {
let modelConfig = [];
Object.keys(config).forEach(key1 => {
let tempArr = [];
config[key1].list.forEach(item => {
tempArr.push(`${item.index}: ${item.type}; // ${item.title}`);
`// ${config[key1].title}
export interface ${key1} {
${tempArr.map(item => item).join("\n ")}
}` + "\n"
return modelConfig.map(item => item.replace(/,/g, "")).join("\n");
* api 解析生成对应的 service和找到相关的引用类型
* @param {*} api api 参数
* @param {*} model 配置参数
* @returns newapi 转换后api项
function apiParse(api, model) {
api = api ? api : {};
let newapi = {};
let importModel = [];
Object.keys(api).forEach(item => {
if (typeof api[item] == "string") {
newapi[item] = api[item];
} else if (typeof api[item] == "object") {
newapi[item] = api[item].url;
newapi[item + "ReqModel"] = api[item]?.reqModel
? api[item]?.reqModel
: "any";
} else {
newapi[item] = api[item];
Object.keys(model).forEach(item => {
importModel = importModel.join();
newapi.importModel = importModel;
return newapi;
* 用于将烤串命名转换为双驼峰命名
* @param {*} str 待转换字符串
* @returns 转换后字符串
function classify(str) {
return str.replace(/(^|-)(\w)/g, ($0, $1, $2) => {
return $2.toUpperCase();
module.exports = {
在编写模板时,经常会有一些,下划线开头结尾的字符串,这些是 ng-alain 定义的占位符,在生成模板时会替换成对应的变量。
类型 | 参数名 | 默认 | 描述 |
变量 | project | - | 项目名 |
name | - | 名称,相当于命令行的 | |
path | - | 目标路径 | |
flat | false | 文件是否扁平结构 | |
inlineTemplate | false | 是否内联模板(固定值:false) | |
selector | - | 组件 selector | |
componentName | - | 组件名称 | |
changeDetection | Default | 组件 changeDetection 值 | |
modal | - | 是否使用 Modal 展示 | |
方法 | decamelize | - | 将字母串转换为由下划线分隔的所有小写字母 |
dasherize | - | 将空格或下划线用破折号替换 | |
camelize | - | 返回字符串的小骆驼拼写法形式 | |
classify | - | 返回字符串的大骆驼拼写法形式 | |
underscore | - | 将字母串转换为由下划线分隔的所有小写字母 | |
capitalize | - | 返回字符串首字母大写 |
import { Component, OnInit<% if(!!viewEncapsulation) { %>, ViewEncapsulation<% }%><% if(changeDetection !== 'Default') { %>, ChangeDetectionStrategy<% }%>, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { STComponent, STColumn } from '@delon/abc/st';
import { SFSchema } from '@delon/form';
import { ModalHelper } from '@delon/theme';
import { NzMessageService } from 'ng-zorro-antd/message';
import { NzFormatEmitEvent } from 'ng-zorro-antd/tree';
import { Components<%= classify(name) %>FormComponent } from './form/form.component';
import { <%= classify(name) %>Service } from './<%= dasherize(name) %>.service';
selector: '<%= selector %>',
templateUrl: './<%= dasherize(name) %>.component.html',<% if(!inlineStyle) { %><% } else { %>
styleUrls: ['./<%= dasherize(name) %>.component.<%= styleext %>']<% } %><% if(!!viewEncapsulation) { %>,
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.<%= viewEncapsulation %><% } if (changeDetection !== 'Default') { %>,
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.<%= changeDetection %><% } %>
export class <%= componentName %> implements OnInit {
nodes = [];
url = '<%= extraArgs.api.list %>';
searchSchema: SFSchema = {
properties: {
<%= extraArgs.searchSchema %>
@ViewChild('st') private readonly st!: STComponent;
columns: STColumn[] = [
<%= extraArgs.columns %>
constructor(private msg: NzMessageService, private modal: ModalHelper, private <%= camelize(name) %>Service: <%= classify(name) %>Service) { }
ngOnInit() {
console.log('<%= componentName %> init!');
getTree() {
this.<%= camelize(name) %>Service.getTree().subscribe(res => {
this.nodes = res.data;
add(): void {
Components<%= classify(name) %>FormComponent,
{ operateType: 'add' },
modalOptions: {
nzTitle: '新增xxx'
.subscribe(record => {
this.service.add(record).subscribe((res: any) => {
if (!res.code) {
} else {
edit(params: NzSafeAny): void {
this.service.update(params).subscribe(res => {
if (!res.code) {
} else {
remove(params: NzSafeAny): void {
this.service.remove(params).subscribe(res => {
if (!res.code) {
} else {
nzEvent(event: NzFormatEmitEvent): void {
if (event?.eventName === 'click') {
this.st.reload({ id: event.node?.key }, { toTop: false });
# 自定义模板的使用
在和_cli-tpl 文件夹设定了一个默认的配置文件夹_tpl_config,每个业务页面的配置可以写在对应名称的文件中,比如有一个组件名为 my-user,那么可以新建一个 my-user.js 来定义业务数据。
* 搜索栏业务数据定义,每个搜索字段定义一条数据
* title:字段显示在页面上的名称,对应sf配置title属性
* index:字段key值,对应sf配置每个字段的key
* type:字段类型,对应sf配置type属性
const search = [{ title: "名称", index: "name", type: "string" }];
* 表格业务数据定义,分为columns数据显示定义和options数据操作定义
* columns中:
* title:字段显示在表头上的名称,对应st配置title属性
* index:字段名,对应st配置index属性
* type:字段类型,对应st配置type属性
* options中:
* tpl:预置类型模板名,直接替换对应模板
* type:对应st buttons配置的type
const st = {
columns: [
{ title: "名称", index: "name" },
{ title: "电话", index: "phone", type: "number" }
options: [
{ tpl: "view" },
{ tpl: "edit" },
{ tpl: "del" },
{ text: "测试", type: "link" }
* 新增,修改,查看数据定义,每个搜索字段定义一条数据,与搜索栏业务数据定义格式一致
* @title 对应sf配置title属性
* @type type为组件类型string | number | textarea | select等
* @index 字段key值,对应sf配置每个字段的key
* @enum {*} 同步数据源,部分字段需要定义数据
* @action 组件为upload时 上传地址
* @listByIdsUrl 组件为upload时 根据id查询数据 接口地址
const sf = [
{ title: "名称", index: "name", type: "string" },
title: "性别",
index: "sex",
type: "select",
enum: [
{ label: "待支付", value: "WAIT_BUYER_PAY" },
{ label: "已支付", value: "TRADE_SUCCESS" },
{ label: "交易完成", value: "TRADE_FINISHED" }
title: "电话",
index: "phone",
type: "tree-select",
enum: [
{ label: "待支付", value: "WAIT_BUYER_PAY" },
{ label: "已支付", value: "TRADE_SUCCESS" },
{ label: "交易完成", value: "TRADE_FINISHED" }
* model定义
const model = {
Info: {
title: "基本信息",
list: [
{ title: "名称", index: "name", type: "string[]" },
{ title: "性别", index: "sex", type: "PersonCenter[]" },
{ title: "电话", index: "phone", type: "string" }
PersonCenter: {
title: "个人中心",
list: [
{ title: "基本信息", index: "basicInfo", type: "string" },
{ title: "消息中心", index: "infoCenter", type: "string" }
* api定义
const api = {
list: "/list",
add: {
url: "/my-user/add",
reqModel: "Info"
remove: "/my-user/remove",
update: {
url: "/my-user/update",
reqModel: "Info"
detail: {
url: "/my-user/detail",
reqModel: ""
treeList: "/treeList"
* 布局参数定义
* basic-tree:
* treeWidth:左侧树占有页面宽度
* treeGutter:左侧树与右侧列表间隔
const layout = {
treeWidth: 300,
treeGutter: 16
module.exports = {
ng g ng-alain:tpl basic [your component name] -m=[your module] --config=[your config name]
# 如 ng g ng-alain:tpl basic my-user -m=components --config=my-user
# basic 模板
# basic-tree 模板
# model 类型定义
// 基本信息
export interface Info {
name: string[]; // 名称
sex: PersonCenter[]; // 性别
phone: string; // 电话
// 个人中心
export interface PersonCenter {
basicInfo: string; // 基本信息
infoCenter: string; // 消息中心
# 搜索 sf schema 定义
searchSchema: SFSchema = {
properties: {
name: {
title: "名称",
type: "string"
# 弹窗 sf schema 定义
schema: SFSchema = {
properties: {
name: {
title: "名称",
type: "string"
sex: {
title: "性别",
type: "string",
enum: [
{ label: "待支付", value: "WAIT_BUYER_PAY" },
{ label: "已支付", value: "TRADE_SUCCESS" },
{ label: "交易完成", value: "TRADE_FINISHED" }
ui: {
widget: "select"
phone: {
title: "电话",
type: "number",
enum: [
{ label: "待支付", value: "WAIT_BUYER_PAY" },
{ label: "已支付", value: "TRADE_SUCCESS" },
{ label: "交易完成", value: "TRADE_FINISHED" }
ui: {
widget: "tree-select"
# st schema 定义
columns: STColumn[] = [
{ title: '序号', type: 'no' },
title: '名称',
index: 'name'
title: '电话',
index: 'phone',
type: 'number'
title: '操作',
width: 250,
buttons: [
text: '查看',
type: 'modal',
className: 'text-success',
modal: {
component: ComponentsYourUserFormComponent,
modalOptions: {
nzTitle: '查看xxx'
params(record) {
return { id: record.id, operateType: 'view' };
click: (record, modal) => {}
text: '编辑',
type: 'modal',
modal: {
component: ComponentsYourUserFormComponent,
modalOptions: {
nzTitle: '编辑xxx'
params(record) {
return { id: record.id, operateType: 'edit' };
click: (record, modal) => {
text: '删除',
type: 'del',
pop: {
title: '确定要删除吗?',
okType: 'danger',
icon: 'clock-circle'
className: 'text-error',
click: (record, modal) => {
{ text: '测试', type: 'link' }
service 定义
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { _HttpClient } from "@delon/theme";
import { BaseService, Ret } from "@shared";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { Info, PersonCenter } from "./your-user.model";
@Injectable({ providedIn: "root" })
export class YourUserService {
constructor(private http: _HttpClient) {}
* @description 获取树数据
getTree(): Observable<Ret> {
return this.http.post<Ret>(`${BaseService.BASE_URL}/treeList`);
* @description 新增
add(addParams: Info): Observable<Ret> {
return this.http.post<Ret>(`${BaseService.BASE_URL}/my-user/add`, {
* @description 更新
update(editParams: Info): Observable<Ret> {
return this.http.post<Ret>(`${BaseService.BASE_URL}/my-user/update`, {
* @description 详情
detail(detailParams: any): Observable<Ret> {
return this.http.post<Ret>(`${BaseService.BASE_URL}/my-user/detail`, {
* @description 删除
remove(id: string): Observable<Ret> {
return this.http.post<Ret>(`${BaseService.BASE_URL}/my-user/remove`, {